The Nitric Oxide Effect
Immune Support
Nitric oxide plays many important roles in the immune system. It is produced in high amounts from specialized cells of the immune system called macrophages.
Digestive Support
In the gastrointestinal tract, Nitric Oxide is involved in the regulation of regional blood flow, smooth muscle relaxation, secretory and immunological function. [1]
Vascular Support
Since it was identified as the elusive endothelium-derived relaxing factor in the 1980s, nitric oxide (NO) has rapidly gained status as one of the most important signalling molecules in the cardiovascular system. [1]
Mobility Support
Nitric oxide (NO) can modulate the release of various inflammatory mediators from a wide range of cells participating in inflammatory responses (e.g., leukocytes, macrophages, mast cells, endothelial cells, and platelets).[1]
Memory Support
Nitric oxide (NO) is well established as a molecule necessary for memory processing across a wide variety of tasks and species, from odour discrimination in honey bees (Muller, 1996) to delayed recall in primates (Prendergast et al., 1997). [1]
Rest Support
Nitric Oxide helps reduce anxiety and depression in part because it reduces inflammation and oxidative stress. It also restores circulation and supports healthy blood pressure, which is often elevated in people under stress and with chronic PTSD, thus becoming another risk factor for vascular dementia. [1]
Producing Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide is formed from nitrogen and oxygen by the action of electric sparks
or high temperatures or other chemical processes.[1] Nitric oxide performs
important chemical signaling functions in humans and other animals and has
various applications in medicine.[2]

M-F: 8am-5pm CST
Phone Number:
(877) 777-4788
Nitric Oxide Production
Light Therapy. Certain wavelengths of light within the blue, red, and infrared bands of light trigger the release of nitric oxide from blood vessels and red blood cells.
Heat Therapy. Research shows that passive heat therapy improves cutaneous microvascular function in humans via improved nitric oxide (NO)-dependent dilation. [1]
Sound Therapy. Humming increases the levels of nitric oxide in the nose. This effect is likely due to increased contribution of NO from the paranasal sinuses. Humming causes the air to oscillate, which in turn seems to increase the exchange of air between the sinuses and the nasal cavity.
Get Moving. Engaging in regular exercise can improve your endothelial function and thus your natural production of nitric oxide. But what if you have physical limitations that make it difficult to exercise? The Super Sauna (Photon Genie) can help to simulate the positive effects of exercise without the exertion.
Light Therapy
Heat Therapy
Sound Therapy
Targeted Support

Traditionally considered important primarily for men, nitric oxide promotes a variety of vital support elements for women as well. Here we discuss the basic reasons why it’s considered just as important for the healthy female lifestyle, particularly as you get older.

Nitric oxide is increasingly becoming popular with athletes, bodybuilders, and exercise buffs. Unfortunately, as men age, nitric oxide production in the body can drop. This is especially true for men with poor diet and low activity levels, since they will likely develop arterial plaque that will interfere with the production of nitric oxide on the interior surface of the arteries.

Determination of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in vivo is essential to understand the pathophysiologic role and therapeutic implications of the L-arginine/NO pathway in pediatric diseases. The aim of this study was to establish a noninvasive, sensitive, specific, and reliable approach to determine whole-body NO synthesis in healthy children.[1]

Nitric oxide (NO) is now known to be an important biological messenger in animal reproduction and controls many physiological processes within vasculature. In the past 10 years, NO has established itself as a polyvalent molecule, which plays a decisive role in regulating multiple functions within the female as well as the male health and reproductive system.[1]
M-F: 8am-5pm CST
Skilling Institute 4340 E Indian School, Suite 21 Phoenix, AZ 85018
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