Women Support
The Importance of Nitric Oxide for Women
Supports healthy bones. Your skeleton is continuously updating itself, substituting the old bone for new structure. Nitric oxide plays an important role in this process, and adequate levels are critical for improving bone strength and minimizing bone loss. After menopause, bone-protective estrogen decreases and bone loss accelerates dramatically. This reduction in estrogen, coupled with natural declines in nitric oxide, can leave you more susceptible to bone thinning, osteoporosis and fractures. The secret to aging well, involves keeping your skeleton strong.
Sustain heart health. Heart disease is the number one cause of death among women in the United States. By triggering blood vessels to relax, nitric oxide regulates blood pressure, playing a significant role in other healthy cardiovascular functions, including overall muscle health, regular beating and oxygen production.diseases.[10] Accurate and reliable determination of NO synthesis in vivo is essential to understand the pathophysiologic and therapeutic roles of this biologic pathway.[1]
Preserve brain health. Decreased nitric oxide production can lessen blood flow to the brain, impacting overall brain health. Nitric oxide also plays significant roles in other important neurological processes, acting as a neurotransmitter, promoting overall cell communication and function.
Supports natural sleep. Besides its other brain-supportive effects, nitric oxide is crucial for restful slumber. It works by interacting with neurons and brain chemicals involved in the onset of sleep, and research shows an accumulation of nitric oxide in certain regions of the brain is necessary for the body to doze off. Nitric oxide is especially important for deep, slow-wave sleep and rapid-eyemovement (REM) phases that play a role in learning, memory and mood. But as we age, a variety of factors, including menopause, can interfere with restful sleep; and natural age-related decreases in nitric oxide may mean you’re tossing and turning well into the night. Restoring nitric oxide levels may support healthy sleep patterns, and supplements that support the body’s own nitric oxide production can help you snooze, soundly.
Speeds healing and recovery after exercise. By promoting blood flow to muscles and enhancing the removal of cellular waste, nitric oxide eases sore muscles, speeds recovery and plays an important role in muscle repair.
Promotes lean, strong muscles. Nitric oxide is well known for its role in building bulk muscles in men. However, beyond mass, nitric oxide also encourages the body to build lean and strong muscles. Relaxing blood vessels and promoting blood flow, enhances the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to working muscles, improving strength and functionality. As we grow older, strong, functional muscles support bones, protect joints, and improve metabolic health, crucial for active aging.
Helps you exercise better, longer. Your body thrives on movement, and study after study shows physical activity improves your overall health. Restoring your body’s nitric oxide levels helps blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles, improving exercise capacity and making it easier to work out more often, and longer. Make the most of your fitness routine by increasing Nitric oxide.
PDF Downloads:
Gender Differences in the Renal Nitric Oxide (NO) System
Moderate Regular Exercise Increases Basal Production of Nitric Oxide in Elderly Women
Exercise Intensity Modulates Nitric Oxide and Blood Pressure Responses in Hypertensive Older Women
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